Why invest with us?

We protect your savings and minimize the risk
PARTNERS INVESTMENTS takes care of client portfolios as if they were our own. PARTNERS INVESTMENTS invests in the world’s top ETFs, thoughtfully diversified. Our clients’ funds are spread across the globe’s most successful management companies and across different regions to balance market fluctuations.
We are professionals in the world of finance
We are professionals in the field of finance backed by strong background and broad network of financial experts across the country.
Anybody can turn to us
We provide all our clients with investment specialist services, whatever their financial capabilities, and regularly follow up with them on the current state of their portfolios. If there are any doubts, they can contact us at any time.
We take pride in our transparency
Online access gives clients instant overviews of their invested funds. They can withdraw their funds anytime with no penalties.
We adapt to our clients
Investment strategies are tailored to our clients’ capabilities and expectations. Working together with our clients, the most suitable investments are selected and followed over the long term.
We maintain the standard of living of our clients
Maintaining the standard of living of our clients lets them enjoy a carefree life even after they retire.
We protect your savings and minimize the risk
PARTNERS INVESTMENTS takes care of client portfolios as if they were our own. PARTNERS INVESTMENTS invests in the world’s top ETFs, thoughtfully diversified. Our clients’ funds are spread across the globe’s most successful management companies and across different regions to balance market fluctuations.
We are professionals in the world of finance
We are professionals in the field of finance backed by strong background and broad network of financial experts across the country.
Anybody can turn to us
We provide all our clients with investment specialist services, whatever their financial capabilities, and regularly follow up with them on the current state of their portfolios. If there are any doubts, they can contact us at any time.
We take pride in our transparency
Online access gives clients instant overviews of their invested funds. They can withdraw their funds anytime with no penalties.
We adapt to our clients
Investment strategies are tailored to our clients’ capabilities and expectations. Working together with our clients, the most suitable investments are selected and followed over the long term.
We maintain the standard of living of our clients
Maintaining the standard of living of our clients lets them enjoy a carefree life even after they retire.
"Partners Investment is a great platform for investing. I am glad that such a modern platform already exists in Bulgaria."
Lyubomir Stoyanov, Sofia
"Partners Investments provides easy access to investments backed by a high level of security."
Preslav, Dimitrovgrad
"Investing in a fund strategy is an easy way for me to access the financial market without investing time and effort. I like having a view of how my funds are developing. It is important for my money to be diversified and working!"
Galina Viktorova, Sofia