Our Products

PARTNERS INVESTMENTS endeavors to meet all of its clients’ requirements indiscriminately and has therefore strategies that enable it to customize an investment plan for each client.


Conservative strategies

Conservative investment strategies are designed primarily for more conservative investors who prefer their savings appreciating with a lower level of risk. These savings are invested primarily in corporate and sovereign bond ETFs diversified globally. Investing in these strategies is a suitable alternative for investors who are seeking to keep their money deposited over various long-term horizons, with five years the minimum recommended holding period.

How assets are allocated in conservative strategies:

One-time investing
Regular investing
Conservative ESG 

Balanced strategies

Balanced investment strategies are designed for modest and slightly dynamic investors who prefer their savings appreciating with a reasonable level of risk. These savings are invested comparably in equity ETFs and in corporate and government bond ETFs diversified globally. The investment in balanced strategies is a suitable alternative for investors who are seeking to keep their money deposited over medium horizons, with ten years the minimum recommended holding period.

A real property strategy invests in assets closely linked to the real estate sector, such as real estate funds, REITs, real estate ETFs, and direct equity investments.

How assets are allocated in balanced strategies:

One-time investingRegular investing
Balanced ESGEquity60%60%
Real Estate
Real estate


ESG dynamic strategy

Investors willing and able to bear increased risk in order to seek high returns. They wish to reach their objective by investing in socially responsible companies that operate outside controversial sectors. In terms of investment focus, they are looking for broadly diversified global strategies that take ESG factors into account.
These strategies are intended for clients whose investment horizon is at least 15 years.

How assets are allocated in dynamic strategies:

One-time investing
Regular investing
ESG dynamicEquity
Investment types
One-time investing

These types of investments are designed for clients seeking to invest funds once. They work with a financial professional to select an appropriate investment strategy that fits with their own individual profiles.

The minimum investment is €5,000.

Regular investing

These type of investments are designed for clients seeking to invest on a regularly monthly basis, while simultaneously making exceptional deposits. A target amount is set when a contract is concluded, which can be raised and continued once the target has been reached. 

The minimum regularly monthly amount deposited is €30. The minimum target amount is €1,800.

Price list